Movember: Creating awareness about men’s health one mustache at a time

October was a month dedicated to raising breast cancer awareness among individuals and sharing stories of survivors. A week into November and yet another major event ‘Movember’ takes place throughout this month in order to raise awareness on Prostrate cancer; a type of cancer which affects the prostate gland in men and afflicts one in seven males. With ‘Pinktober’ dedicated to a majority of women, ‘Movember’ is a month dedicated to men.
The word Movember is derived from the combination of ‘mo’ for moustache and ‘vember’ for November. Men around the world unite in this month with a common intention; refusal to shave off their upper lip, the resulting growth indicates ones personal symbol for the war against prostate cancer. The main aim of this event is to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health, and to spread the awareness every year.
Movember is observed in United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada and several other countries.
Wasiq Siddiqui, a final year accounting student at Waterloo University, Canada is observing Movember for the first time with his friends.
“I’m determined to raise awareness regarding prostate cancer and men’s health in general. We are collecting donations throughout this month and all funds we raise directly go to the Prostate Cancer Canada and the Movember Foundation.” he said.
Each country has its selected cancer funds where the money raised throughout this month is used in the prostate cancer research. Women can show their support too by being a ‘Mo Sista’ and spread awareness among their fellow friends while collecting donations.
Our blog too, has sported a large stache to create awareness about the cause.
Students encouraged to participate
Men who take part in this event should start the month either with a clean – shaven face and for the rest of the month should groom, trim and wax in order to have a fine mustache.
Afif Ibrahim, a final year advertising student at Manipal University, Dubai said, “I really don’t know much about Movember as it isn’t observed here, but I’m ready to increase the awareness about this concept here in Dubai”.
Like him, are you ready to join hands and become a Mo Bro or Mo Sis?